Outdoor courts are intended to be enjoyed for many years, even decades. So, your design and build options for tennis or pickleball courts really need to be well considered. While things can certainly be changed after the court is completed, it is something you want to avoid. 

When renovating a court, converting a court to a new sport, or simply replacing a court fence, the fence around the court should be a glass wall system. There are many benefits to a glass “fence” like PICKLEGLASS, and here are a few for you to consider.

Glass enclosure fencing for outdoor courts

Glass Court Barriers are Wind Barriers

High winds can make a tennis match frustrating. Even moderate wind levels create a challenge for pickleball. While you can’t control Mother Nature, you can make it easier to play your matches in a wider range of conditions.

With traditional chainlinked fencing, there is no protection from wind. Augmenting the fence by attaching a solid barrier (ie, a board) is a bad idea; the fence system is not designed to resist the force of high winds placed on surfaces attached to the chainlink. Court owners risk structural damage to the fence and the safety of the players.

Glass court enclosures are designed to reduce wind greatly. Tennis and Pickleball players can continue their games that would otherwise have to stop. Additionally, well-built glass-wall systems, like PICKLEGLASS, are engineered to withstand hurricane-force winds. From the ground up (literally), glass wall systems provide a better playing environment while also being safe in high winds.

Sound Dampening From Glass Wall Systems

As players, the sound of a ball being struck is a pleasant part of the game. Even spectators enjoy the rhythmic cadence of the ball being volleyed back and forth. But, go beyond the court to the neighborhood or other park visitors, and the sound is not as enjoyable.

Glass wall systems dampen the sound that escapes the court. While players continue to enjoy their matches, others can go on relatively undisturbed by the sound of the game. Obviously, the chainlink fence has no ability to dampen sound.

Aesthetics of a 360-degree view

The chainlink fence is not attractive. It serves one purpose: keeping a ball from going too far off the court. In the process, it blocks the view of the area from within and around the courts. With a fully glass-enclosed court, views are unobstructed by chainlink fencing. Glass wall systems simply provide a better aesthetic than a chainlink fence.

Provide all the elements of a fence system

Of course, the glass enclosure provides the basic attributes of the traditional fencing systems. If a court owner is inclined, a combination of enclosure methods can be used, combinations designed to look good together while providing the desired benefits.


Whether you are converting a tennis court, building a new court, or repairing an existing one, the most visible aspect of the court will be the fencing. How you enclose the court will impact players, spectators, and neighborhood residents for years. Explore the value of a glass wall system like PICKLEGLASS for your court. You may be surprised at the affordability and amazed by the experience.

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